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keyboard:apple_desktop_bus_keyboard [01 Feb 2024 20:05] – edited for consistency darkwitchclairekeyboard:apple_desktop_bus_keyboard [02 Feb 2024 11:57] (current) – Added Garf's photos. bitteneite
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 |  **Apple Desktop Bus Keyboard**  || |  **Apple Desktop Bus Keyboard**  ||
 +| {{ :keyboard:garf-iigs-1.jpg?300&detail |An Apple ADB Keyboard}} ||
 | **Switch** | [[switch:alps_skcm_orange|Alps SKCM Orange]]\\ [[switch:alps_skcm_salmon|Alps SKCM Salmon]] \\ [[switch:alps_skcl_lock|Alps SKCL Lock]] \\ [[switch:smk_alps_mount|SMK Alps Mount]] | | **Switch** | [[switch:alps_skcm_orange|Alps SKCM Orange]]\\ [[switch:alps_skcm_salmon|Alps SKCM Salmon]] \\ [[switch:alps_skcl_lock|Alps SKCL Lock]] \\ [[switch:smk_alps_mount|SMK Alps Mount]] |
 | **Sense method** | Metal contact |  | **Sense method** | Metal contact | 
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 The later Alps version keyboard was made in Japan and features the same rear label and model number as the SMK version. It came with Alps SKCM Salmon switches and dye-sub PBT keycaps. The later Alps version keyboard was made in Japan and features the same rear label and model number as the SMK version. It came with Alps SKCM Salmon switches and dye-sub PBT keycaps.
 +===== Gallery =====
 +== Apple Desktop Bus Keyboard (US) ==
 +  * Early Alps Version
 +  * Serial Number: 385735
 {{tag>keyboard:sense-contact keyboard:protocol-adb keyboard:oem-apple protocol-adb keyboard:keycaps-dyesub}} {{tag>keyboard:sense-contact keyboard:protocol-adb keyboard:oem-apple protocol-adb keyboard:keycaps-dyesub}}