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switch:alps_skcc_gray [29 Dec 2023 12:38] erisswitch:alps_skcc_gray [29 Dec 2023 21:41] (current) eris
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 The stem, which is a dark-gray to black color((which has created some naming confusion in the past)), is always lubricated and is likely made of a nylon blend((supposition based on materials in first generation SKCM/SKCL)).  The stem, which is a dark-gray to black color((which has created some naming confusion in the past)), is always lubricated and is likely made of a nylon blend((supposition based on materials in first generation SKCM/SKCL)). 
-The switch travel is notably reduced; this is achieved by a lengthening of the posts at the bottom of the stem. This, coupled with its use as a service part for calculators with [[switch:alps_akc2|Alps AKC2]] switches((https://deskthority.net/viewtopic.php?f=62&t=25106)) indicates that it was likely made to replace the older series of switch, which has an identical key travel.+The switch travel is notably reduced; this is achieved by a lengthening of the posts at the bottom of the stem. This, coupled with its use as a service part for calculators with [[switch:alps_akc|Alps AKC]] switches((https://deskthority.net/viewtopic.php?f=62&t=25106)) indicates that it was likely made to replace the older series of switch, which has an identical key travel.
 Alps SKCC Gray, like all SKCC series switches, uses a contact module to register the keypress. This sits in the middle of the housing opposite the spring. Alps SKCC Gray, like all SKCC series switches, uses a contact module to register the keypress. This sits in the middle of the housing opposite the spring.
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 The switch was likely in production from 1979((Earliest calculator sightings)). No end date is known. The switch was likely in production from 1979((Earliest calculator sightings)). No end date is known.
-Interestingly, the mount used in SKCC Gray is not the same as either SKCC Cream or SKCC Tall Cream. This is additional evidence for it serving as a replacement for AKC2 (spring bridge) switches.+Interestingly, the mount used in SKCC Gray is not the same as either SKCC Cream or SKCC Tall Cream, although in the case of SKCC Tall Cream the mount is almost identical with the nubs on the cruciform being positioned differently but the dimensions of the cruciform itself is the same between both switches.  
 +While it could likely be possible to mount SKCC Gray caps on SKCC Tall Cream switches and vice versa, the nubs on the cruciform are positioned differently between the two switches and doing so is likely to stress the keycap mount and could damage the keycapThe unique mount of SKCC Gray is additional evidence for it serving as a replacement for AKC (spring bridge) switches.
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