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switch:alps_skcl_brown [28 Dec 2023 23:37] erisswitch:alps_skcl_brown [28 Dec 2023 23:59] (current) eris
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 The switch follows the general characteristics of the SKCL family, consisting of an upper and lower housing, [[:terminology:contact_module|contact module]], [[:terminology:stem|stem]], and spring. The upper housing has a hole for an LED, but the bottom housing will only have holes for the LED legs to pass through in switches ordered with an LED. The switch follows the general characteristics of the SKCL family, consisting of an upper and lower housing, [[:terminology:contact_module|contact module]], [[:terminology:stem|stem]], and spring. The upper housing has a hole for an LED, but the bottom housing will only have holes for the LED legs to pass through in switches ordered with an LED.
-As a first generation switch, SKCL Brown will always have slits in the upper housing.+As a first generation switch, SKCL Brown will always have slits in the upper housing. SKCL Brown also has the symmetrical stem typical of a first-generation SKCL switch.
 The stem, which is brown, is almost always lubricated and is likely made of a nylon blend((tested on SKCM Blue via [[https://wiki.keyboard.institute/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=switch:skcmblueburntest.mp4|burn test]])).  The stem, which is brown, is almost always lubricated and is likely made of a nylon blend((tested on SKCM Blue via [[https://wiki.keyboard.institute/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=switch:skcmblueburntest.mp4|burn test]])).