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switch:alps_skcm_blue [28 Dec 2023 13:36] erisswitch:alps_skcm_blue [28 Dec 2023 20:42] (current) eris
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 There is also a heavier version of this switch, only observed so far in NEC PC-8801 keyboards with an extremely high weighting, marked with black marker on the stem. Given it does not appear to have been seen anywhere else, this is likely a customized switch and not part of the series proper. There is also a heavier version of this switch, only observed so far in NEC PC-8801 keyboards with an extremely high weighting, marked with black marker on the stem. Given it does not appear to have been seen anywhere else, this is likely a customized switch and not part of the series proper.
 +<WRAP center round important 40%>
 +The following information is unsubstantiated. Take it with a grain of salt.
 +There is a purported "pale blue" variant with a very slightly different stem, however no disassembled pictures of the switch have ever been provided and it is impossible to substantiate any potential difference to the rest of the line, or indeed any Alps progeny. 
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