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switch:alps_skcm_green [28 Dec 2023 15:44] erisswitch:alps_skcm_green [28 Dec 2023 15:45] (current) eris
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 The stem, which is a jade green color, is almost always lubricated and is likely made of POM((tested on SKCM Salmon via [[https://wiki.keyboard.institute/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=switch:skcmsalmonburntest.mp4|burn test]])). Stem plastic formulation changed between the second and third generations and both look slightly different The stem, which is a jade green color, is almost always lubricated and is likely made of POM((tested on SKCM Salmon via [[https://wiki.keyboard.institute/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=switch:skcmsalmonburntest.mp4|burn test]])). Stem plastic formulation changed between the second and third generations and both look slightly different
-The tactile feedback is generated with a leaf spring with a unique shape within the SKCM series.+The tactile feedback is generated with a leaf spring with a unique shape within the SKCM series, which is similar to that of the leaf used in [[switch:alps_skcm_brown|SKCM Brown]]. 
 Alps SKCM Green, like all SKCM/SKCL series switches, uses a contact module to register the keypress. This sits in the housing on the side with notches. Alps SKCM Green, like all SKCM/SKCL series switches, uses a contact module to register the keypress. This sits in the housing on the side with notches.
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 This switch is commonly overpriced and overhyped significantly by [[terminology:scalpers|scalpers]] in addition to genuine demand due to its unique tactility and rarity.  This switch is commonly overpriced and overhyped significantly by [[terminology:scalpers|scalpers]] in addition to genuine demand due to its unique tactility and rarity. 
 +Not to be confused with [[switch:xiang_min_ksb|Xiang Min KSB]] which also has a bright green stem.
 {{tag>switch:oem-alps switch:type-tactile switch:sense-contact switch:family-skcmskcl}} {{tag>switch:oem-alps switch:type-tactile switch:sense-contact switch:family-skcmskcl}}