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switch:alps_skcm_ivory [28 Dec 2023 16:51] erisswitch:alps_skcm_ivory [28 Dec 2023 16:52] (current) eris
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 ==== Additional Information ==== ==== Additional Information ====
-SKCM Ivory was introduced in around 1989, and appears to have been produced until 1995. There are two revisions of the tactile leaf spring - the first being the hole-punched type, the same as is found in both [[switch:alps_skcm_orange|SKCM Orange]] and [[switch:alps_skcm_salmon|SKCM Salmon]], and the later type being the "dimple" leaf seen in third-generation [[switch:alps_sckm_black|SKCM Black]] and [[switch:alps_skcm_white_ivory|SKCM White Ivory]].+SKCM Ivory was introduced in around 1989, and appears to have been produced until 1995. There are two revisions of the tactile leaf spring - the first being the hole-punched type, the same as is found in both [[switch:alps_skcm_orange|SKCM Orange]] and [[switch:alps_skcm_salmon|SKCM Salmon]], and the later type being the "dimple" leaf seen in third-generation [[switch:alps_skcm_black|SKCM Black]] and [[switch:alps_skcm_white_ivory|SKCM White Ivory]].
 {{tag>switch:oem-alps switch:type-tactile switch:sense-contact switch:family-skcmskcl}} {{tag>switch:oem-alps switch:type-tactile switch:sense-contact switch:family-skcmskcl}}