====== Ortek MCK-101 ======
This page is a work in progress! If you have any pictures or documentation for the Ortek MCK-101, notably the flat case variants, please upload them!
| **Ortek MCK-101** ||
| {{ :insertaphotoheretobleh.jpg?300&detail |a photo of an ortek board}} ||
| **Switch** | [[switch:alps_skcm_blue| Alps SKCM Blue]]\\ [[switch:alps_skcm_white| Alps SKCM White]]\\ Alps Clones|
| **Sense method** | Metal contact |
| **Protocol** | AT / XT (switchable) |
| **Keycaps** | Pad printed or double shot ABS |
| **FCC ID** | GM8MCK101SX, GM83ZTMCK-101 |
This is a dummy page for the Ortek MCK-101.
{{tag>keyboard:protocol-at keyboard:protocol-xt keyboard:sense-contact keyboard:layout-asian101 keyboard:keycaps-doubleshot keyboard:keycaps-padprint keyboard:oem-ortek wip}}