Alps SKCC Switch Guide

Keycap pulling

There is only one consistently safe way to pull Alps tee mount keycaps. You should not attempt anything else, as plastics involved can be quite brittle/old, or in the case of DCS keycaps the mold can sometimes lack supports.

Use a high-quality wire keycap puller only. The weirdly shaped ones that come with some cheaper Chinese keyboards aren’t a good shape for pulling Alps caps. Plastic ring-type pullers should not be used due to likelihood of breaking or scratching keycaps. Get a good grip around the keycap with the wire puller and pull straight up. Do not wiggle, tease, rock side-to-side or impart any lateral movement at all. If the keycap has a death grip, continue pulling straight up and simply apply more force until the keycap releases.

Switch disassembly

Switch reassembly

Fixing stuck/chattering contacts

The best way to fix an unhappy contact module will always be replacement with a better one - but there are some easy tricks to try if a switch has recently died or isn't working after a while in storage. As a first port of call, you should try pressing down very hard on the key and wiggling in a north-south direction. If the switch is chattering, do this until the switch is outputting one character on every north wiggle. If it wasn't registering, wiggle until it does.

Cleaning / Restoring / Waxboiling

Waxboil: The Video

Waxboil: The Video 2

This has been tested on Alps SKCM, SKCL, SKCC and SKFL. It really works. Restoration is significant. If the switches are only a bit bad, you will get top tier results. If they're super bad, they will become very usable.


  • Boil top housings and stems, any amount of time over a minute is fine. Stir occasionally.
  • Scoop some wax out of a tealight (less is more, there is no specific amount required) or put Sasol 5203 pellets into a container, put sliders in, pour boiling water over, stir occasionally
  • Alternatively, you can do the waxboil step in a pan full of boiling water (stove off) and use a strainer to dip the switches into the waxy water
  • Dry everything and put switches back together. (Do not rinse after waxing!)

For further information, check out the Waxboil FAQ.