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Tagging and you: an easy guide
Articles on this wiki are organised by tag. It's super easy to add tags! In this page we'll go into the general structure of tags, so you can get your page in the right lists quickly and easily.
The format we use for tags looks something like this: <discriminator>:<tagtype>-<tagdata>
. The discriminator stops pages from other categories polluting the listings.
You can add tags to your pages easily. In syntax mode, just add
{{tag>tag1 tag2 tag3}}
to the bottom of your page, where “tag1” “tag2” and “tag3” are your list of tags, separated by spaces. A tag doesn't have to exist for you to use it! Just add it to your page and it will be created.
If your tag doesn't exist on the listings pages for the category, you can add it with:
{{tagpage>[Tag]&dynamic| [Name]}}
where [Tag] is the tag, and [Name] is the text name you want to display.
The tag categories in the keyboard section are, with examples:
examples: keyboard:sense-contact
for contact-based keyboards, keyboard:sense-capacitive
for capacitive keyboards.
examples: keyboard:oem-cherry
for keyboards manufactured by Cherry, keyboard:oem-maxiswitch
for keyboards manufactured by Maxi-Switch. Ignore punctuation in tags!
examples: keyboard:layout-iso
for ISO keyboards, keyboard:layout-at
for AT keyboard.
examples keyboard:keycaps-dyesub
for dye-sublimated keycaps, keyboard:keycaps-doubleshot
for doubleshot keycaps.
: examples keyboard:protocol:serial
for serial keyboards, keyboard:protocol:at
and keyboard:protocol:xt
seperately for combined AT/XT keyboards
The tag categories in the keyboard section are, with examples:
: examples: switch:sense-contact
for contact-based switches, switch:sense-halleffect
for Hall effect switches.
examples: switch:oem-cherry
for switches manufactured by Cherry, switch:oem-maxiswitch
for switches manufactured by Maxi-Switch. Ignore punctuation in tags!
examples: switch:type-linear
The tag categories in the keyboard section are, with examples:
for guides relating to restoration
for guides relating to conversion
and so on.